
 Download ut4_dtctribute_a3


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* Urban Terror Level *
Title : DTC Tribute
Filename : ut4_dtctribute.bsp
Author : FSK405|LadyWould*
Date : March 2017
E-mail address : fsk405.com
Homepage URL : http://fsk405.com

* Level Description *
Krot4l made a map call Docks Top City. The FSK405 community LOVES this map! However, it has a tragic, fatal flaw for CTF play: the NoDrop brush uses a shader that is missing the single instruction it requires to work properly, "surfaceparm nodrop".
The only ways to fix this are to have the original author texture that brush with a correctly coded shader, the original author provide permission AND the map file to allow another person to do this, or decompile and fix (incredibly bad etiquette).
Since the first two were not possible (no idea where Krot4l is), and I refuse to do the 3rd, I opted to base a map upon his design.
Yes, it is VERY close structurally to the original DTC. This is absolutely intentional. However, I did opt to make it symmetrical; refine some geometric aspects; remove certain elements; modify a number of structural aspects of the original; add game modes; more!

This map is NOT intended to do anything other than provide a playable CTF version of a very well loved map, and build upon an idea, to expand it. It should play a bit faster for CTF play, and other modes should be enjoyable.
Additional game modes that now exist with UrT 4.3 have been added (Freeze Tag, Gun Game), and all other game modes were specifically considered, and proper spawns are present (FFA, LMS, TDM, TS, C&H, FTL, CTF, Bomb)

Single Player : No
Gamemodes : All
Suggested player load : 2-30
New Textures : Yes
New Sounds : Yes

* Construction *
Map Base : Based upon DTC by Krot4l
Prefabs used : None
Mapobjects used : None
Editor used : NetRadiant
Compiler(s) used : NetRadiant
Other utilities used : Photoshop, FSK405, Notepad++, TestDummies, Mind
Known Bugs : Likely
Compile machine : i7 920, 12G ram, W7x64, Nvidia GTX275
Compile time, total : NA
-vis : ---
-light : ---
bspc aas : ---
Lightmaps : ---
Total Brushes : ---
Total Entities : ---
DM spawns : ---
CTF spawns : 32
Bomb spawns : 0
C&H capturepoints : 0
Locations :
PK3 Compression : 7-Zip
Approx Time to Complete : A Lifetime

* Compile notes *

q3map2 -meta -vis -light

Many more...


- Photorealistic : BerneyBoy, see textures/ut4_crapchute/Readme_PhotoRealistic.txt; all renamed with a "pr_" prefix
- Sweetnutz : Sweetnutz, from zzz pak; prefixed with "sn_"
- KittyWumpus* : some textures & sounds
- FSK405 sign : FSK405|Zellis
- Misc. textures : Silicon Ice / Frozen Sand / stock zzz pak cntributors

- stock so far

* Special Thanks *

Big thank you's to...
FSK405, my online family.
FSK405|WilyDuck.. for making me feel less alone in a short-winded world, and for the mapping genius he is.
FSK405|DankRider.. for putting up with me, providing excellent feedback and ideas, and running this map so much.
FSK405|DeGrunt/DeSade... for Poking me back to reality.
FSK Pub regulars... for being the best testdummies out there!
Paula... for believing, enduring, and encouraging.


This map MAY NOT be sold, or in any other way turn into profit except for the
author and authors' delegates. The map pk3 contains media that may not be used
for commercial purposes.

This map MAY be publicly distributed on any media as long as this media is
distributed freely without anyone having to pay for it. This level is designed
for the Quake 3 Total Conversion "Urban Terror" and is not replicated or edited
without the expressed written documented permission of the author.

* Manifesto *

I like to build things, and I like to express through art, so I map. I build first for myself. I build second for my online family, FSK405. My UrT maps are what they are, love 'em or hate 'em. They are among my Art.

Arena file

map "ut4_xxx"
longname "xxx xxx"
type "ut_ffa ut_team ut_survivor ut_follow ut_cah ut_ctf ut_bomb"


File structure

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    ↳ ut4_dtctribute/e8warning128.jpg
    ↳ ut4_dtctribute/plainglass.tga
    ↳ foe2.tga

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