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Elite Force conversion by Lt. Cmdr. Salinga with permission of the author.

Following is the readme of the Q3A map:

Hands Of God

By Pingu (c) 2002


Three years late I've finally gotten round to making a Q3 map...

The reason is for the geometry competition, and because I fancied a challenge. After dabbling with Q3R
for.. ouuu.. three years now I've never really been inspired to create a complete map. However, upon
stumbling upon Sock's egyptian texture set, his Iceflow skybox and a recent version of GTK... finally the
door opened.

Hands Of God (Gods have no thumbs) is the result. Thing is, would you have noticed if I hadn't told ya?
The reason there's no thumbs is because, as you may realise from seeing the fingers, they were pretty much
impossible to create. Sure, a 3DS Max model would have done the trick, but the competition asked to try
and stay away from using models as best as possible - it would have been cheating to have done them that way.

As it is, I don't really like GTK for trying organic stuff. Hands.. Rock.. it's all a bit of a pain in the
ass when compared to Worldcraft (sure, I never actually tried a map like this back in the days of old, but
I did make a hell of a lot of rock..)

Hopefully you can overlook the slight problems (ie, the few tears in the environment) and settle back and
play the map. It's been tested extensively, and it rocks...


Map Info

BSP name : maps/handsofgod.bsp
Gametype : Deathmatch
Bots? : Yes, AAS included (the bots seem happy here)
# Players : 6 spawn points (4 seems a happy medium)
Weapons : 1 Railgun, 1 Rocket Launcher, 1 Plasma Gun, 1 Shotgun
Armour : 1 Red, Various shards
Health : 1 Mega, 2 normal, various mini
Ammo : 2 Rocket Packs, 2 Plasma Packs, 2 SG Packs
Textures : By Sock (www.planetquake.com/simland)
Editor : GTK 1.1
Compiler : Q3MAP - YDNAR Version 1.2.4-y3 (http://shaderlab.com)
Utilities : Photoshop, Winzip
Time Taken: A couple of weekends for the first build, a few nights here and there for the final

Mapper Info

Real Name : Alex Moore
Email : *********@*****.co.uk

Thanks To

The usual crowd; My parents, id, Rebellion, the crowd in #terrafusion & #qeradient. Oh, and 'Le Rance'.

Special thanks to Sock & Nunuk for running the competition.

Bal for being French.

Aardappel for starting all this off - blame him if ya don't like my maps D

Sock again, this time for the textures. Here's what they used to be called -

texture1 - egyptsoc_trim/064-07e.jpg
texture2 - egyptsoc_trim/064-08a.jpg
texture3 - medieval/flr_marble1.jpg
texture4 - egyptsoc_floor/marker1ag.tga
texture5 - mxrock3g (From Wolfenstien; hacked slightly to fit by me)
texture6 - egyptsoc_wall/stone04c.jpg
texture7 - egyptsoc_wall/stone04d.jpg
texture8 - egyptsoc_wall/stone08c.jpg
texture9 - gothic_floor/largerblock3b3dim.jpg


Hey look, there's a .map in the PK3....

Yes, as I've done before, I'm releasing the .MAP file. If you want to use this level as a base for some project, please go ahead - one condition - TELL ME!!! Make the two conditions - give me a credit too )

Now.. if you do go ahead and look at the .MAP I must warn you that there's quite a few nasty bits.. I'd rather put these down to learning Q3R rather than lame mapping skill, but ultimately I'll let you decide.


Arena file

map "HandsOfGod"
longname "(Gods have no thumbs)"
bots "Beta Avatar Avatar Avatar"
fraglimit 20
type "ffa single"


File structure

    ↳ iceflow.shader
    ↳ handsofgod.arena
    ↳ handsofgod.tga
    ↳ iceflow
    ↳ iceflow/iceflow_ft.jpg
    ↳ iceflow/iceflow_rt.jpg
    ↳ iceflow/iceflow_lf.jpg
    ↳ iceflow/iceflow_dn.jpg
    ↳ iceflow/iceflow_up.jpg
    ↳ iceflow/iceflow_bk.jpg
    ↳ handsofgod.bsp
    ↳ handsofgod.aas
    ↳ handsofgod.map
    ↳ iceflow
    ↳ iceflow/iceflow_view.jpg
    ↳ HandsOfGod
    ↳ HandsOfGod/texture7.jpg
    ↳ HandsOfGod/texture5.jpg
    ↳ HandsOfGod/texture6.jpg
    ↳ HandsOfGod/Thumbs.db
    ↳ HandsOfGod/texture2.jpg
    ↳ HandsOfGod/texture8.jpg
    ↳ HandsOfGod/texture1.tga
    ↳ HandsOfGod/texture4.tga
    ↳ HandsOfGod/texture9.jpg
    ↳ HandsOfGod/texture3.jpg